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Museum Professionals and Designers’ Survey – Share your Experiences [now closed]

We’re looking for museum professionals to help us with our research

Strand A: Collections and Collections Management Survey

We’d love to hear about the experiences of professionals working in Collections and Collections Management – please do complete the survey, or share it with any colleagues or connections who might be interested.

The Informed Consent Form and Survey.

The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete and all questions are entirely optional.

If you have any questions, or you want to know more about how to participate in the research further through an interview and/or observational study, please leave us a comment here, or get in touch with Sophie Vohra:

Strand B: Museum Exhibition Designers Survey

We are gathering the expertise and knowledge of professionals who work in museum exhibition design who have some experience of using multisensory interpretation in their practice.  

Multisensory interpretation plays an ever-increasing role in museum practice. Whether in temporary or permanent exhibitions or in programming, many museums are looking to enrich engagement with touch or sound, and in some instances, with smell and taste.

We would like know to your motivations and aspirations for multisensory interpretation, and we would like to know what has worked and where you might do things differently in the future.

If you would like to take part, or if you would like further information, you can click through our Exhibition Designers information sheet, consent form and questionnaire.

If you have any questions at all please do get in touch at:

Strand B: Museum Professionals Survey

Multisensory interpretation plays an ever-increasing role in museum practice. Whether in temporary or permanent exhibitions, many museums and museum designers are looking to enrich engagement with touch or sound, and in some instances, with smell and taste.

We are carrying out this research with the aim of better understanding how museum professionals are currently using multisensory interpretations in their practice, what their motivations for using them are, and who they consider their target audience to be.

We are interested in inclusion and broadening participation perspective , as well as understanding other motivations and applications of multisensory interpretations in museums.

This online survey asks about your experiences with multisensory interpretation or approaches in museums. If you would like to take part, or if you would like further information, please go to the Museum Professionals information sheet, the consent form and questionnaire.

If you have any questions at all please do get in touch at: